
Breast lift

Infor­ma­tion on breast lifting

Women often feel less attrac­tive because their breasts have sagged due to pregnancy or simply due to the loss of connec­tive tissue elasti­city and appear "flabbier". The aim of a breast lift is to reshape sagging breasts and lift them upwards. 

This always involves removing excess skin, usually also narrowing the breast base and reshaping the mammary glands. This lifts the breast and creates a firmer breast shape. Often an overst­ret­ched areola is also reduced in size to fit aesthe­ti­cally into the new breast shape. The result is another plump, aesthetic, youthful breast.

In principle, a breast lift can be performed:

  • Only by inserting implants, as the insertion of additio­nal volume into the existing skin mantle already results in a signi­fi­cant lifting of the breast. (augmen­ta­tion)
  • By exclu­si­vely resecting the skin and shifting and reposi­tio­ning the existing glandular tissue. This is a parti­cu­larly useful method in cases where there is still suffi­ci­ent glandular tissue of the patient's own, which has only sagged due to gravity (especi­ally as the breast also looks much more volumi­nous due to the shift in height of the glandular tissue and the tighter skin). (breast lift / mastopexy) 
  • A combi­na­tion of both methods, i.e. tightening the skin on the one hand and inserting an implant cushion to increase volume on the other (augmen­ta­tion mastopexy). (Augmen­ta­tion mastopexy) 

Breast lift - the most important facts in brief

Further details on the breast lift

The type of procedure depends on the one hand, of course, on the patient's ideas about her new breasts, and on the other hand on the existing condi­ti­ons, the elasti­city of the skin, the amount of existing glandular tissue, the degree of ptosis (i.e. sagging of the breast) and other factors.

In a detailed, very personal consul­ta­tion, the patient's expec­ta­ti­ons must be compared with the possible surgical result and the surgeon must choose the best way to achieve new, firm, aesthetic breasts. The rules of conduct are the same as for breast augmen­ta­tion.

A mastopexy can be performed on an outpa­ti­ent basis, but we recommend an overnight stay for more extensive proce­du­res. Depending on the amount of excess skin, either a vertical (scar-saving) incision is chosen or, if there is a lot of excess skin, a small anchor-shaped incision is made with an incision in the lower breast crease. 

The nipple is almost always reposi­tio­ned and a circular scar at the edge of the areola is accepted. In a breast lift, only the excess skin is removed, the glandular body retains its volume, but is reshaped using special surgical techni­ques for a long-lasting result. This also gives the breast a more volumi­nous appearance. 

Real compli­ca­ti­ons are very rare with this procedure. However, infec­tions or postope­ra­tive bleeding are possible events that require more intensive follow-up care. 

During the healing process, there may be sensory distur­ban­ces, both hypo- and hyper­sen­si­ti­vity in the nipple area, which usually subside quickly. In very rare cases, it may also be necessary to correct widened scars.

After the operation, we will apply an elastic latex bandage to keep the breast in shape. After 2-3 days (after the first bandage change) you will wear a well-fitting sports bra; this should be worn day and night for 3 weeks, then only during the day for a further 3 weeks. 

After a short recovery period, you can resume your daily routine and return to work after 7-10 days. However, you should avoid sporting activi­ties for 6 weeks to allow the tissue to heal in peace. 

As with any cosmetic procedure, the cost of surgery depends on the type and extent of the operation. These are made up of the anesthe­sia fee, the duration of the operation and our fee note. 

We will discuss these costs with you in detail before­hand and a fixed fee will be set, regard­less of how long the procedure ultim­ately takes. This allows you to calculate precisely. As this is an elective procedure, the costs are not usually covered by health insurance. 

Price for a breast lift:

from CHF 11,000

The cost of an initial on-site consul­ta­tion is CHF 250. This amount can be credited towards your treatment if it takes place within 6 months. If you do not show up for the bindingly agreed initial appoint­ment, a cancel­la­tion fee of CHF 150 will be charged. 

The following rule applies to agreed surgery appoint­ments: In the case of planned and scheduled opera­ti­ons, it is often not possible for Medicine&Beauty AG to find a repla­ce­ment patient in the event of a cancel­la­tion. Due to these planning diffi­cul­ties, it is only possible to cancel surgery appoint­ments free of charge if this is done in writing by the customer at least 7 days (calendar days) in advance by e-mail or WhatsApp. 

For cancel­la­ti­ons made less than 7 calendar days before the planned operation, the customer will be charged 50% of the previously agreed operation costs. Appoint­ments canceled by Medicine&Beauty AG for health, medical or technical reasons cannot be refunded or compen­sa­ted. An alter­na­tive date will be offered at no additio­nal cost.