
Nice to have you here, we look forward to seeing you!

Your team in Zurich for breast augmen­ta­tion, wrinkle injec­tions, Botox and much more

It is parti­cu­larly important to us

Our range of services

Rejuve­na­tion treat­ments for face and body as well as the entire spectrum of aesthetic operations

A thank you to our patients,
for the great reviews!

Dr. med Peter Dietz

You are always in good hands here.
Dr. Dietz and his wife take great care of their patients, no matter what concerns they have. 

For my treatment, I compared a total of 7 specia­lists in German-speaking Switz­er­land and finally decided on Dr. Dietz because he was able to convince me with his knowledge.
While with others I had the feeling that they simply wanted to 'close the deal', Dr. Dietz was very keen to answer all my questions, often empha­si­zed (and proved) that this was important to him and also explained the risks and the (often concealed) unplea­sant aspects. 

A good doctor who under­stands his profes­sion and the patient thinks along with them and makes sure that the chosen treatment is really the best way to achieve the desired result and explains alter­na­ti­ves if this is not the case.
Dr. Dietz proved all of this with me, which is why I can recommend him with a clear conscience.
Inciden­tally, I always look forward to follow-up checks, as I then meet his wife at reception.
She is really great and gives the practice that friendly "welcome" feeling.
Really great! 

Super practice - highly recommended!
Great consul­ta­tion and a super beautiful result (thread lift).
The doctor and the assistant, both friendly and very professional. 

I felt really comfor­ta­ble during the treatment.
I will defini­tely come back again! 

My husband and I are incre­di­bly happy and grateful that we chose Dr. Dietz to take care of my pregnancy and the delivery of our baby boy.
Throug­hout the entire nine months, we always felt calm, informed and in good hands.
Dr. Dietz always made it a point to respect my personal prefe­ren­ces and always found a way to accom­mo­date them. 

The birth process went smoothly and we worked together seamlessly.

Dr. Dietz and Alexandra Dietz have created a warm and welcoming atmosphere in their practice.
The meticu­lous attention to detail ensured that no scars were left behind after the birth.
If you are conside­ring entrus­ting your treatment to Dr. Dietz, don't hesitate! 

A beautifully appointed practice, friendly staff, great doctor.
He took the time to under­stand my needs and answer all my questions.
I can highly recommend him. 

I had an eyelid lift done by Dr. Dietz!
Perfect work!
The consul­ta­tion was very relaxed and detailed!
Every­thing was highly professional!
I can highly recommend! 

Super practice - a great doctor.
Very profes­sio­nal advice.
Highly recommended! 

Outstan­ding support!
Solution-oriented profes­sio­nal compe­tence that I have been able to take advantage of for 20 years, as well as empathy.
Under­stan­ding Thank you very much! 

The procedure in our
cosmetic surgery practice

1. First Appointment

In an initial meeting, we get to know each other, discuss your wishes and ideas and discuss the options available for realizing your project without any time pressure. We respond empathe­ti­cally to your needs and answer any questions you may have. 

2. Detailed Discussion

Once you have decided on a measure, we will explain it in detail, describe the exact procedure precisely and clearly - but also point out possible risks and side effects. You should feel safe when you entrust yourself to us! 

3. Surgery Date

On the day of the operation, we will go through all the important points with you again, make any markings and clarify any remaining questions.
You should feel comple­tely confident and relaxed about the change you want - which we will carry out with the utmost profes­sio­na­lism.

Find out more about your surgeon, Dr. Peter Dietz, and the institute.

Contact us now

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