
Thread lifting

Infor­ma­tion on thread lifting

Thread lifting is a minimally invasive alter­na­tive to a surgical face lift. Biode­gra­da­ble threads made from polydi­ox­a­none (PDO), polyca­pro­lac­tone (PLC) or poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) are used here, which are inserted into the skin through small punctures and cause the skin to tighten and lift. They also stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin during the resorp­tion process and allow an elastic collagen network to form in the skin. 

Thread lifting is a non-surgical method that has been estab­lished for many years to lift the midface and chin area,
but also the skin on the upper arms or knees. If someone is not planning a facelift treatment, this is the only way to counter­act gravity and lift certain parts of the face and counter­act signs of ageing.

The method, which origi­na­ted in Asia, has been used worldwide for many years. As no skin incisions are made and sutures with small barbs are used instead, the method is parti­cu­larly gentle.

Thread lifting - the most important facts in brief

Further details on thread lifting

In a personal consul­ta­tion, we will explain the optimal appli­ca­tion and materials for you. The insertion is carried out under local anesthe­sia, so that it is hardly painful for the patient. Depending on the desired appli­ca­tion, smooth, twisted or barbed sutures are used. 

These are placed under the skin using a special guide needle without damaging nerves or blood vessels. After appli­ca­tion, the skin is lightly massaged and cooled; the initial effect is visible immedia­tely and there are virtually no side effects apart from swelling for 1-5 days. Depending on the thread material used, the effect lasts for several months to two and a half years.

Typical areas of appli­ca­tion include lifting the cheeks/​cheekbone contour; defining the lower jawline (jawline), lifting the eyebrows and lifting the nasola­bial fold; but the threads are also excellent for use in the body area, i.e. on the stomach, buttocks and arms. The treatment is performed on an outpa­ti­ent basis and takes 30-60 minutes.

Once anchored in the tissue, the threads lift the tissue and create an immediate lifting effect. The threads used consist of PDO (polydia­x­a­none), PLLA (poly-L-lactic acid) or PLC (polyca­pro­lac­tone) and have been used successfully worldwide for many years. 

On the one hand, the threads form a support­ing framework in the skin, which lifts the facial struc­tures; on the other hand, the very slow conti­nuous breakdown of the thread material in the tissue stimu­la­tes the formation of new collagen and elastin, which improves the skin's elasti­city and new connec­tive tissue is formed. This results in a long-term impro­ve­ment of the skin. 

The procedure has no specific side effects, however - even with the most experi­en­ced and consci­en­tious appli­ca­tion - bruising and nerve irritation/​irritation can occur very rarely, but these will disappear very quickly.

Infection from the stitches also repres­ents a potential risk, which is why such a procedure may only be carried out by a qualified and experi­en­ced specia­list and under sterile conditions.

As with any cosmetic procedure, the cost of treatment with threads can vary greatly and depends on the quantity and material of the threads used. Naturally, the costs incurred will be discussed and explained in advance. 

The cost of an initial on-site consul­ta­tion is CHF 150. This amount can be credited towards your treatment if it takes place within 6 months. If you do not show up for the bindingly agreed initial appoint­ment, a cancel­la­tion fee of CHF 150 will be charged.