
Thigh lift

Infor­ma­tion on the thigh lift

As we get older, skin changes occur all over the body. The thigh region in parti­cu­lar often becomes a problem area. Physical training, a sensible diet, tissue massages etc. can only have a limited effect on the problem. 

If there is an accumu­la­tion of subcu­ta­neous fatty tissue, the develo­p­ment of cellulite ("orange peel skin") or decre­asing skin elasti­city, a thigh lift performed by an experi­en­ced surgeon can provide relief. This can restore a more youthful, contoured shape to the thighs with a smoother skin surface.

Thigh lift - the most important facts in brief

Further details on the thigh lift

The thigh can be tightened in a similar way to the upper arm: a spindle-shaped removal of excess skin can be performed in the groin area and, as with the upper arm lift, a vertical incision from the groin to just above the knee may be required to reduce the circum­fe­rence of the leg. 

The super­fi­cial skin struc­tures are then fixed ("suspended") to the deep connec­tive tissue of the body, thus achieving a permanent tightening effect. However, the patient must be aware that scars remain which, due to the prono­un­ced movements in these areas of the body, do not always heal as thinly and almost invisibly as, for example, with an eyelid lift or a facelift. 

Therefore, such surgical skin tightening proce­du­res are only used in cases of prono­un­ced laxity ("sagging skin") of the skin if liposuc­tion alone cannot achieve suffi­ci­ent tightening of the skin. As a rule, however, the operation is combined with liposuc­tion, e.g. to contour the outside of the thighs or to reduce the overall circum­fe­rence of the thighs. 

After precise planning of the procedure and marking the extent of the resection, the necessary incisions are made in the operating room (usually after liposuc­tion), whereby the amount of skin to be removed varies depending on the thigh lift technique and must be indivi­du­ally adapted to the region to be treated. In-depth expertise is essential to assess the excess skin. 

The excess and inelastic skin and subcu­ta­neous tissue in the thigh and possibly buttock region is then resected, careful hemosta­sis is performed and the tissue is then re-adapted without tension using multi-layer sutures(dermo­li­pec­tomy). (dermo­li­pec­tomy).

Resting the treated area of the body is essential for an undis­tur­bed, tension-free healing process. For this reason, indivi­du­ally fitted compres­sion trousers are worn for the first 4-6 weeks to minimize swelling, support lymphatic circu­la­tion and help the skin recover and adapt to the new body contour. Serious compli­ca­ti­ons do not usually occur after thigh lifts. However, swelling and slight hematomas are not uncommon in the first 2 weeks, and the feeling of "swollen, heavy legs" is also more common. 

A thigh lift leads to a noticeable impro­ve­ment in the contour of the leg and to a signi­fi­cantly smoother skin surface and therefore a more youthful appearance. This effect is already apparent early after the operation. 

Although a clear impro­ve­ment in the legs is visible immedia­tely after the operation, the final result is only visible 2-3 months after the procedure, when the skin has regene­ra­ted and all swelling has disap­peared. For this reason, sports activi­ties should be avoided for 4 weeks and then a gradual intro­duc­tion to a targeted training program should take place. Avoiding excessive standing or stret­ching of the legs is essential in order not to disrupt wound healing and to allow good scar formation. Massages and lymphatic drainage can be very benefi­cial later on in the healing process. 

As with any cosmetic procedure, the costs vary depending on the patient, the condition of the skin, tissue and fat distri­bu­tion and the extent and duration of the operation. Of course, all costs incurred for the use of the surgery, anesthe­sia and the surgeon's fee will be discussed and deter­mi­ned in advance during the preli­mi­nary consul­ta­tion so that you can calculate exactly how much you can expect to pay.

Health insurance companies do not cover the costs of a thigh lift as it is an aesthetic procedure; only after bariatric surgery with massive weight loss can a cost approval be requested.

Price for thigh lift:

from 8000,- CHF

The cost of an initial on-site consul­ta­tion is CHF 250. This amount can be credited towards your treatment if it takes place within 6 months. If you do not show up for the bindingly agreed initial appoint­ment, a cancel­la­tion fee of CHF 150 will be charged. 

The following rule applies to agreed surgery appoint­ments: In the case of planned and scheduled opera­ti­ons, it is often not possible for Medicine&Beauty AG to find a repla­ce­ment patient in the event of a cancel­la­tion. Due to these planning diffi­cul­ties, it is only possible to cancel surgery appoint­ments free of charge if this is done in writing by the customer at least 7 days (calendar days) in advance by e-mail or WhatsApp. 

For cancel­la­ti­ons made less than 7 calendar days before the planned operation, the customer will be charged 50% of the previously agreed operation costs. Appoint­ments canceled by Medicine&Beauty AG for health, medical or technical reasons cannot be refunded or compen­sa­ted. An alter­na­tive date will be offered at no additio­nal cost.