

Infor­ma­tion on liposuction

Although you can and should certainly have a signi­fi­cant influence on your figure through diet and exercise, there are still typical problem areas that cannot be suffi­ci­ently influen­ced either by dietary measures or by intensive training. (e.g. waist/​hips, inner thighs, buttocks, stomach, riding pants, inner knee, upper arm, chin, neck). 

We have a geneti­cally deter­mi­ned body structure and silhou­ette - and unfort­u­na­tely we cannot direct where the body should "melt away", even when losing weight. And liposuc­tion is the optimal technique for precisely these areas of the body. Liposuc­tion is not a treatment for obesity; however, when used initially and especi­ally in combi­na­tion with a balanced diet, medica­tion (e.g. the newer GLP-1 agonists (slimming injec­tions) such as "Ozempic", "Wegovy", "Munjaro" etc.) and suffi­ci­ent exercise, it can achieve excellent contour impro­ve­ment and optimiza­tion of the body image. You will feel much more comfor­ta­ble with your new body silhou­ette.

Liposuc­tion - the most important facts in brief

Further details on liposuction

The method was developed in the 1970s by Georgio Fischer in Rome and Pierre Fournier and Yves Illouz in Paris. However, the method only became widespread after the intro­duc­tion of the so-called "wet technique", i.e. suction after injection of saline solution at the end of the 1980s. We were one of the first to perso­nally observe and learn the method from these innova­tive teachers. 

During liposuc­tion, the problem areas that bother the patient are first discussed with them and the procedure is explained in detail. Before the operation itself, the areas to be treated are then precisely marked, similar to a height map. The marked region is then infil­tra­ted with the so-called "tumescent solution": Using a special infil­tra­tion system with many very thin cannulas, the subcu­ta­neous fatty tissue is evenly filled. 

This procedure is normally carried out in the presence of an anesthe­tist in a so-called twilight sleep, so that this filling process, which creates a certain amount of pressure in the tissue and can therefore be unplea­sant for the patient, is not noticed. The tumescent solution also contains a local anesthe­tic and after it has been evenly distri­bu­ted in the area to be treated, the pain is comple­tely elimi­na­ted so that the twilight sleep can be increased again. By elimi­na­ting the need for anesthe­sia, the patient can actively parti­ci­pate in the surgical procedure (e.g. he or she can turn on the operating table, lift the leg, etc.) and thus make the surgeon's work much easier and the surgeon can assess the effect of gravity and muscle movement during the procedure. This technique leads to a natural and long-lasting result. General anesthe­sia can of course also be chosen if desired. 

The actual liposuc­tion is then carried out by inserting a liposuc­tion cannula through tiny incisions in the skin and using it to mecha­ni­cally remove the fatty tissue to be removed, forming several super­im­po­sed grid struc­tures(criss-cross technique). The injected solution loosens the structure of the fatty tissue and the indivi­dual fat cells can be removed more easily. In addition, the loose structure of the tissue allows nerves and vessels to avoid the movements of the cannula, so that there is hardly any risk of injury to more important struc­tures. We mainly use the modern technique of the "vibrating cannula" (the tip of the cannula with its openings is moved back and forth very quickly by a motor, which allows the fat cells to be removed parti­cu­larly gently). Parti­cu­larly fine cannulas are used close to the skin surface so that, in contrast to earlier methods, the formation of waves or dents in the skin can be avoided.(fine tunneling technique)

The body silhou­ette can be recon­tou­red through a sensitive, highly diffe­ren­tia­ted approach and optimal modeling with the greatest possible protec­tion of nerves and vessels. The surgeon's profound experi­ence and aesthetic sense are essential here in order to achieve harmo­nious propor­ti­ons with natural lines, without going beyond what is medically advisable. 

It is also possible to fill fat tissue removed from other parts of the body ("lipos­culp­ting / lipop­lasty"). The removed fatty tissue is used to improve the body contour and fill certain areas. In women, this is often injected into the breast or buttock area. In men, it is also used in the buttocks or on the pectoral muscles.

The contours of the abdomen and arms can also be sculpted as desired using a new, even more precise procedure ("high-defini­tion lipos­culp­ting"). In this way, a softer, more feminine body contour can be achieved for women and a more muscular, athletic body image for men. 

This procedure is usually performed on an outpa­ti­ent basis, but if it is more extensive, an overnight stay in hospital can also be booked, especi­ally if the patient lives alone or there is no monito­ring on the first day after the operation. Immedia­tely after the procedure, the patient wears a Special compres­sion pants/​bodice which evenly compres­ses the treated wound area and thus contri­bu­tes to rapid healing. 

There is no signi­fi­cant pain after the procedure, an initial swelling of the wound disap­pears very quickly after two to three days, discrete bruising also resorbs after a short time. It is advisable to take it easy for a few days, and compe­ti­tive sport should also be avoided in the first few weeks after the procedure; however, the desired result is already visible after around three weeks - although further repair processes still take place in the depths of the tissue, which can ultim­ately last up to three months, but are no longer noticeable to the patient. 

Even with prono­un­ced fat deposits, further surgical tightening measures are only necessary in excep­tio­nal cases.

Discrete bruising and sometimes numbness often occur in the treated areas. Both disappear within 1-2 weeks after the procedure. The puncture sites for the cannulas usually heal practi­cally without scarring; however, a small pigmented scar may remain, depending on the skin of the test person. 

We can look back on over 30 years of experi­ence and so the risks of irregu­la­ri­ties, wave or dent formation are extremely low. To avoid infec­tions, we always give a "single shot" of antibio­tics before the operation. Fortu­na­tely, we have never had any serious compli­ca­ti­ons with this method. 

The costs of liposuc­tion are made up of the fees for the use of the operating room, the fee for the anesthe­tist, the assistant and nursing staff, the consu­ma­bles, the compres­sion girdle and the surgeon's fee.

In an indivi­dual consul­ta­tion, we would like to explain the options that interest you without obliga­tion and prepare an exact cost calcu­la­tion. This way, you will know exactly and reliably how much you need to calculate. 

Price for liposuc­tion, liposuction

from approx. 5000,- CHF

Health insurance companies do not cover the appli­ca­tion as it is an aesthetic treatment of choice.

The cost of an initial on-site consul­ta­tion is CHF 250. This amount can be credited towards your treatment if it takes place within 6 months. If you do not show up for the bindingly agreed initial appoint­ment, a cancel­la­tion fee of CHF 150 will be charged. 

The following rule applies to agreed surgery appoint­ments: In the case of planned and scheduled opera­ti­ons, it is often not possible for Medicine&Beauty AG to find a repla­ce­ment patient in the event of a cancel­la­tion. Due to these planning diffi­cul­ties, it is only possible to cancel surgery appoint­ments free of charge if this is done in writing by the customer at least 7 days (calendar days) in advance by e-mail or WhatsApp. 

For cancel­la­ti­ons made less than 7 calendar days before the planned operation, the customer will be charged 50% of the previously agreed operation costs. Appoint­ments canceled by Medicine&Beauty AG for health, medical or technical reasons cannot be refunded or compen­sa­ted. An alter­na­tive date will be offered at no additio­nal cost.