Information on lipoedema
Lipoedema is a chronic, usually progressive disorder of fat distribution in the body; it is not just a visual blemish but a disease. It is almost exclusively women who suffer from lipoedema, with the lower extremities being particularly affected. A symmetrical fat distribution disorder gradually develops in the area of the buttocks, saddlebags, thighs and usually also the lower legs, extending to the ankles and feet. However, the arms can also be affected in 60% of patients, particularly the upper arm area.
Patients with lipoedema are very prone to haematoma formation (even small bumps cause bruising). Furthermore, water retention occurs in the affected areas in the second half of the day; a dull swelling sensation and pain on touch and pressure are typical signs of lipoedema. The disproportion between a slim upper body and very strong legs is usually striking; those affected often have to buy two dress sizes more for the lower body than for the upper body. Lipoedema must be differentiated from "normal overweight" (obesity) or natural variations that affect the body contour (e.g. saddlebags).
Lipoedema - the most important facts in brief
- Technical term: lipoedema; liposuction; lipoedema therapy; lymphoedema; liposuction
- Type of anesthesia (anesthesia): General anesthesia
- Operation duration: 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 hours
- Hospital stay: outpatient or 1 overnight stay (depending on the extent of the operation)
- Socially acceptable: after approx. 1 week
- Able to work: after approx. 2 weeks (depending on professional activity)
- Costs: from CHF 8,000 to CHF 12,000 (depending on scope)
Further details on lipoedema
Conservative forms of treatment include the consistent wearing of compression tights (up to compression class 4), combined with exercise, manual lymphatic drainage and functional lymphological exercise procedures. As lipoedema often progresses to lymphoedema and thus to additional water retention in the legs, early treatment is advisable. If the conservative procedures are not sufficiently effective, liposuction has proven to be a very effective surgical therapy.
In particular, if no significant success can be achieved with edema through diet, exercise or medication, a relatively early surgical intervention in the form of liposuction should be considered in addition to exhausting the above-mentioned conservative options; also to avoid chronic progression of the disease, as in extreme cases it can lead to so-called " elephantiasis"; this represents the extreme form of lipoedema with lymphoedema, in which the lower extremities are dramatically distended and thickened, changes in the shape of the legs and ultimately also pronounced orthopaedic problems and restriction of blood circulation can occur.
Targeted and carefully performed liposuction can improve the circulation of lymph and the venous system in the lower extremities and thus relieve pressure in the tissue, which in turn helps to relieve the disturbed capillary function. Unfortunately, several sessions are sometimes necessary to achieve a permanently satisfactory result.
Regardless of the surgical procedure, it is also essential to wear compression stockings consistently. We will be happy to advise you in detail on this clinical picture. Some health insurance companies will even approve the procedure if the condition is clearly pronounced; this must be clarified with the respective insurance company in each individual case.
The treatment procedure is basically the same as a "liposuction" (please refer to our website for more information).
The postoperative behavior and care are also similar to those for liposuction. liposuction; in addition, however, early lymphatic drainage is recommended, which we will be happy to prescribe for you.
The cost of treatment is between CHF 8,000 and CHF 12,000, depending on the extent and duration of the procedure. This includes anesthesia, surgery rental, assistants and consumables, custom-made compression pants and our medical surgery fee.
Some private health insurance companies will cover the costs of lipoedema treatment on request if there is a medical indication. We will be happy to submit a request for cost approval for you.
The cost of an initial on-site consultation is CHF 250. This amount can be credited towards your treatment if it takes place within 6 months. If you do not show up for the bindingly agreed initial appointment, a cancellation fee of CHF 150 will be charged.
The following rule applies to agreed surgery appointments: In the case of planned and scheduled operations, it is often not possible for Medicine&Beauty AG to find a replacement patient in the event of a cancellation. Due to these planning difficulties, it is only possible to cancel surgery appointments free of charge if this is done in writing by the customer at least 7 days (calendar days) in advance by e-mail or WhatsApp.
For cancellations made less than 7 calendar days before the planned operation, the customer will be charged 50% of the previously agreed operation costs. Appointments canceled by Medicine&Beauty AG for health, medical or technical reasons cannot be refunded or compensated. An alternative date will be offered at no additional cost.