
Lip augmen­ta­tion

Infor­ma­tion on lip augmentation

Curved, volumi­nous lips are an expres­sion of femin­in­ity, youthful­ness and feminine eroticism.
Some people (such as Sophia Loren) were lucky enough to have beautifully curved, full lips by nature.
However, not all of us have this.
In addition, the volume of the lips decreases as we get older and the red of the lips narrows.
You quickly look pinched, stern, "thin-lipped"...

By injecting biode­gra­da­ble (i.e. self-absorbing over time) hyalu­ro­nic acid fillers, whichare produced speci­fi­cally for the lips in terms of consis­tency and molecular compo­si­tion, both the lip contour and the lip volume itself can be filled and the shape of the lips modified.

We only use first-class quality products from renowned manufac­tu­r­ers such as Juvederm, Croma, Merz, Teosyal etc. The patient's own fat can also be used to add signi­fi­cant volume to the lips.
Finally, a small operation, in which some skin is resected at the base of the nose, can make the upper lip appear more prominent. 

Lip augmen­ta­tion - the most important facts in brief

Further details on lip augmentation 

As the lips move extremely frequently (when talking, eating, kissing, etc.), the durabi­lity of resor­ba­ble materials is limited: we only use hyalu­ro­nic acid here, which we can expect to have the most lasting effect (although the volume effect also fades after six to twelve months).
The increase in volume is immediate, and a parti­cu­larly prono­un­ced increase in volume can even be seen in the first two to three days due to the swelling of the tissue.
Once the swelling has subsided, the result achieved can be reali­sti­cally assessed.

Due to the simpli­city of use, these substances are parti­cu­larly suitable for trying out to what extent the effect corre­sponds to the patient's expectations.

A more permanent option is to fill the volume with the body's own fatty tissue.
In this case, some fatty tissue must be removed from another part of the body (buttocks, hips, knees, etc.), which is then re-injected into the lip area after special preparation.
If the indivi­dual fat cells are integra­ted into the body's supply, the filling effect is much more permanent.
However, these injec­tions sometimes have to be repeated two or three times, as some of the injected fat cells die before they are suffi­ci­ently supplied with nutrients by the body. 

The lip contour can also be altered by minor surgery: by resecting some skin in the area of the upper corners of the mouth, a slight lifting of the lateral lip area can be achieved, or by removing skin between the nose and upper lip in the area of the nostrils, this skin area can be shortened, raising the red of the lips and also influen­cing the curve of the upper lip.

The lip can also be made to protrude more in the lower lip area by resecting a little skin.
This can be used to improve a somewhat dull or miserable expres­sion or simply to correct the age-related reduction in the redness of the lips. 

In indivi­dual cases, a detailed consul­ta­tion will always take place, which takes into account the patient's ideas and expec­ta­ti­ons, clearly describes what is medically feasible and explains the risks of the respec­tive methods.

Depending on the chosen procedure, local anesthe­sia (or sedation in the case of surgery) is applied.
The material is carefully inserted in the anato­mic­ally correct layer in order to achieve the desired volume effect.
Subse­quent cooling prevents unneces­sary swelling.

The filler materials are well tolerated and biocom­pa­ti­ble (integrate into the tissue and are not recognizable as foreign bodies).
They are substances that occur naturally in the human body.
There are no serious side effects; however, a certain amount of redness and swelling should be tolerated for the first 1-2 days. 

Ultim­ately, sensi­ti­vity reactions to carrier substances / accom­pany­ing substances can never be comple­tely ruled out.
Encap­su­la­tion of the substance can also occur in very rare cases.
There are no intole­ran­ces with autolog­ous fat , but a signi­fi­cant swelling and healing phase of several days should be taken into account.
Surgical proce­du­res naturally require a healing phase of 10-14 days.
Here we carry out very short-term follow-up checks. 

As with any cosmetic procedure, the cost of treatment with fillers can vary greatly and depends on the amount of active ingre­di­ent used.
Naturally, the costs incurred will be discussed and deter­mi­ned in advance.

Depending on the extent and material used, CHF 400-800 is required for volume fillers, CHF 1400-1800 for autolog­ous fat and CHF 3800-5200 for surgery.

Health insurance companies do not cover the appli­ca­tion as it is an aesthetic treatment of choice.

The cost of an initial on-site consul­ta­tion is CHF 150 (CHF 250 for surgery).
This amount can be credited towards your treatment if it takes place within 6 months.
If you do not show up for the bindingly agreed initial appoint­ment, a cancel­la­tion fee of CHF 150 will be charged (for surgeries, a cancel­la­tion fee of 50% of the surgery costs will be charged if the cancel­la­tion is made less than 7 days before the surgery date).