Intimate area
Information on treatments in the genital area
Compared to the past, when for many women the area of the body below the navel was considered a taboo zone that was never talked about, today more and more women are looking at their external genitals from an aesthetic point of view. It is now common practice to shorten pubic hair or shave it completely; intimate piercings are worn more frequently, women are more revealing in public and skimpy swimwear often reveals details or makes anomalies in the vulva and labia area visible - which is not always pleasant for the wearer.
Surgery in the pubic region is a very intimate matter. However, the increasing prevalence of these procedures also harbors the risk that unprofessionally performed procedures can lead to an unsatisfactory situation or that incorrect self-perception and expectations can lead to disappointment. A correctly planned and skillfully performed procedure, on the other hand, is described by patients as "one of the best decisions" for their body image.
Who better to understand, grasp and implement this topic than a gynecologist experienced in intimate surgery who deals with this region on a daily basis? After all, a woman can also claim to be "pretty" in her intimate area.
Various topics
The treatment options in the intimate area range from:
- Change in the vulva / mons veneris / mons pubis
- Labia (labia minora) reduction or equalization
- Labia (labia minora) augmentation
- G-spot injection
- Measures for vaginal tightening
Intimate area treatments - the most important facts in brief
- Technical term: vulva / pubic mound / mons pubis correction labia / labia correction - reduction / enlargement / symmetrization G-spot filling / G-spot injection vaginal tightening
- Type of anesthesia: local anesthesia or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure
- Operation duration: 30 min. to 1.5 hours
- Hospitalization: outpatient
- Aftercare: local cooling, wound care
- Socially acceptable: the following day
- Ready for work: after 1-5 days (depending on the type of treatment)
- Closed season: approx. 2-3 weeks
- Costs: from CHF 1,500 (G-spot) - up to CHF 5,800 (surgery)
Further details on intimate area treatments
The mons pubis, also known as the anterior vulva or mons veneris, comprises the upper front area of the female genitalia. It lies between the groin and extends downwards to the labia minora and labia majora. As a rule, the mons pubis is covered by hair and is an area slightly cushioned by the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Due to the partial or complete intimate shaving that is often common today, changes such as increased fat deposits or sagging skin on the mons veneris are more easily recognizable. This can be remedied by intimate surgery with minor procedures.
Procedure of the intervention
A mons pubis correction is performed on an outpatient basis and usually under local anesthesia. However, the operation can also be performed under general anesthesia at the patient's request. If the mons pubis is too bulging, it is corrected by local liposuction.
Atrophic, sagging and wrinkled skin is tightened by excising excess skin.
In the case of a rather flat or sunken pubic region (often with ageing or after significant weight loss), a plumper, more youthful appearance can be achieved in this body region by filling in the body's own fat tissue (which must first be removed by liposuction from the waist/hips or the inside of the knee).
The labia minora extend from the mons veneris to the anal region, framing the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina. The size and shape of the labia minora (labia minora) vary greatly by nature. All of these appearances are "normal" and "natural". No human being is completely even and symmetrical! Nevertheless, many women believe that their labia are too large, do not have a pleasing shape or feel disturbed during sport (especially horse riding and cycling) or irritated during intimate intercourse. In addition, there is often a clear asymmetry, which is perceived as unattractive.
A reduction in size or symmetrization can be easily achieved through delicate, meticulous surgery. The foreskin of the clitoris (prepuce clitoridis) can also be shortened and the labia can be slightly adjusted ventrally. If there is discomfort with the existing anatomy or if you feel unattractive, or if inhibitions during intimate intercourse are putting a strain on your partner's relationship, a surgical correction of the labia can successfully eliminate any existing discomfort or even shame and lead to significantly more satisfaction with your own body. The labia can be shaped relatively freely according to the patient's wishes. However, anatomical principles must be observed. We will advise you sensitively and realistically.
Procedure of the intervention
Labiaplasty is performed on an outpatient basis and under local anesthesia for small procedures. For larger procedures, however, a general anesthetic is more comfortable for the patient. The operation is preceded by a detailed, understanding and very discreet consultation. Here, special attention is paid to the patient's wishes and expectations. In the operating room, the incision is precisely marked before the procedure. After anesthesia has been induced, excess skin is removed very carefully and the remaining tissue is exposed symmetrically. The edges of the wound are precisely adapted to each other using fine, soft sutures. These stitches dissolve by themselves after 10-14 days and do not need to be removed; this spares the patient unpleasant experiences in this sensitive region. The resulting scars are usually no longer visible or barely visible after a short healing phase. Sometimes the clitoral hood or the anterior vulva needs to be reworked in the same session to achieve a harmonious overall appearance.
In addition to labia reduction, labia augmentation is also increasingly in demand. In most cases, an augmentation of the labia minora ("labia majora") is desired, as these lose subcutaneous fatty tissue with increasing age (like the rest of the body) and therefore tend to appear flabby and require more fullness in order to create a more youthful appearance. The labia also have the biological purpose of preventing the vaginal entrance from "gaping" and protecting the vagina as a body opening from environmental influences.
Procedure of the intervention
For labia augmentation, a minimally invasive fat transfer (lipofilling) is performed under local anesthesia. Fat that has been removed from another part of the body (such as the waist/hips or inside of the knee) by liposuction is first specially prepared and then injected back into the area to be filled using fine cannulas. In this way, a very individual correction can be achieved. No scars are left behind.
Risks of labiaplasty or mons pubis correction
After mons pubis correction or labiaplasty, adverse events or complications are very rare. In isolated cases, secondary bleeding or infections may occur within the first few days after the operation. However, swelling and often minor hematomas are not uncommon following such procedures. Hypersensitivity of the skin can also occur in the first few weeks. However, all of these after-effects disappear very quickly on their own.
After the procedure
The patient should take it easy for 2-3 days, above all refrain completely from sport or physical exertion and never wear tight clothing. Public baths, spas or saunas should also be avoided. Vaginal intercourse must be avoided for at least 2 weeks. Showering is permitted from the day after the operation, but soap should not be used in the genital area. You are not "unclean" there. The vulva / labia should only be carefully patted dry. Local care with cream prescribed by us keeps the skin supple and promotes a rapid healing process.
You can return to everyday life quite quickly. We will monitor the wound healing process closely with you and give you tips and treatment recommendations. You should allow approx. 4-5 weeks for complete healing.
A rather new method that can lead to an increase in sexual sensitivity in some women is G-spot injections.
Under local anaesthetic, the region on the front inner vaginal wall first described by the gynecologist Gräfenberg in 1950 is "relined". This is an area approx. 4 cm behind the urethral orifice where many women react very sensitively to sexual stimulation and can trigger a vaginal orgasm. However, the sensitivity of this area varies significantly from woman to woman. Many women find it difficult to stimulate vaginally, which is why they want to increase their sexual pleasure by padding the G-spot and increase their ability to orgasm. By increasing the volume at this point during penetrative sex, there is greater friction and indirectly, via connective tissue fibers pulling towards the clitoris, greater stimulation of the clitoral erectile tissue.
G-spot augmentation is a minimally invasive procedure. It can easily be performed under local anesthesia. Usually, a special, high-molecular hyaluronic acid is used, which has already been used millions of times in the facial area to fill wrinkles and also to enlarge the buttocks. This is a substance that is also naturally present in our body, but which breaks down completely after 12 - 18 months. Injecting the G-spot with autologous fat (lipofilling) is a more permanent solution. For this form of G-spot injection, a small liposuction is first necessary, whereby the autologous fat is specially prepared for the intimate surgery treatment. The hyaluronic acid or autologous fat is injected into the area in question via fine cannulas and distributed delicately.
These procedures are not usually accompanied by any discomfort. In exceptional cases, post-operative bleeding or infection may occur within the first few days. Discrete swelling and pressure on the urethra are possible for a few days after the treatment. The use of tampons should be avoided for the first week and sexual intercourse should be avoided for 2 weeks. Showering is possible again the following day.
In intimate aesthetic surgery, the cost of treatment depends on the extent of the procedure, the materials used and whether a short outpatient setting is used or a more extensive operation is performed.
The cost of an initial on-site consultation is CHF 250. This amount can be credited towards your treatment if it takes place within 6 months. If you do not show up for the bindingly agreed initial appointment, a cancellation fee of CHF 150 will be charged.
The following rule applies to agreed surgery appointments: In the case of planned and scheduled operations, it is often not possible for Medicine&Beauty AG to find a replacement patient in the event of a cancellation. Due to these planning difficulties, it is only possible to cancel surgery appointments free of charge if this is done in writing by the customer at least 7 days (calendar days) in advance by e-mail or WhatsApp.
For cancellations made less than 7 calendar days before the planned operation, the customer will be charged 50% of the previously agreed operation costs. Appointments canceled by Medicine&Beauty AG for health, medical or technical reasons cannot be refunded or compensated. An alternative date will be offered at no additional cost.