Face Lift
Information on face lifting
Wrinkles form when the facial skinloses its elasticity over the course of a lifetime due to the effects of UV radiation from the sun, a hormonal decline in collagen production and other environmental factors (diet, smoking, etc.). To make the face look fresh, firmer and more youthful again, the most consistent method is a surgical face lift.
In principle, there are three subgroups of facelifts:
- Forehead lift (front lift)
- Middle face (midface lift)
- Chin/neck lift
In most cases, however, a facelift is necessary in all three compartments and a combination of different techniques is used.
In principle, the ageing process of the skin, triggered by a reduction in the body's own connective tissue, the incessant activity of the mimic muscles, external influences such as UV radiation, cold, heat, etc., causes the facial contours to shift as we grow older: in accordance with gravity, the structures in the subcutaneous area in particular are pulled downwards, often resulting in a typical "sagging" of the facial contours in the cheekbone, cheek and chin area ("sagging").
Face Lift - the most important facts in brief
- Technical term: facelift, face lift, rhytidectomy, midface lift
- Anesthesia: general anesthesia
- Operation duration: 2 ½ - 4 hours
- Hospitalization: outpatient (for small measures) or 1 overnight stay
- Follow-up treatment: stitches removed after 10 days, lymph drainage
- Socially acceptable: after 3-4 weeks
- Ready for work: after approx. 1-2 weeks (depending on physical strain)
- Rest period: no sport, sauna, solarium, etc. For 3-5 weeks
- Costs: from CHF 9,000
Further details on the facelift
It is not, as is often mistakenly assumed, merely a matter of tightening the skin (here one would only have greyhound-like, stretched-out facial features as in earlier times), but rather the repositioning of the sagging supporting tissue in the subcutaneous area and its permanent fixation to anatomical structures.
As an exceptionally large number of nerves and vessels run through the facial area, different layers are often addressed in order to achieve optimal access routes with the lowest possible risk of injury. In a forehead lift, depending on the height of the hairline, an incision is made either in front of the hairline or a few centimetres inside the hairline. Lifting the forehead automatically involves lifting the eyebrows, which in turn indirectly lifts the eyelids. At the same time, some of the muscles responsible for the "evil eye" are partially severed in the area of the root of the nose and the eyebrows, so that serious expression lines can also be addressed here.
The midface lift involves reshaping the cheekbone region (as a plump, rounded cheekbone area expresses youthfulness), smoothing the nasolabial fold and lifting the corners of the mouth. This requires an incision from the temple over the base of the ear to the earlobe.
In the chin/neck lift , sagging cheek areas are raised, a "double chin" is removed, the muscles of the neck are reunited and tightened and the chin angle is restored. This requires an incision from the earlobe to the neck hairline and often a small incision just behind the chin.
Of course, the excess overlying skin is also resected, so that the entire face is given plumper, rounder, more youthful contours on the one hand, and the skin is tightened and wrinkles are reduced on the other.
Undesirable complications are very rare with these operations. However, as with any surgical procedure, complications such as wound healing disorders, infections or post-operative bleeding can occur. The results of a facelift are permanent; however, the skin continues to age naturally. However, the gradual rejuvenation effect will last for years.
There is always significant swelling of the face after the procedure. Physical rest is therefore very important; the headshould be elevated for 5 dayswhen sleeping. Cooling and subsequent nourishing creams support rapid healing.
We will look after you very closely after the procedure. You can return to your everyday life at home after a few days; however, public appearances / social events are only realistically possible after 4 weeks at the earliest. You should allow this time for the wound to heal. There may be a temporary feeling of tension and sensitivity of the facial skin, but this will subside within a few weeks.
As with any cosmetic procedure , the cost of a facelift varies depending on the initial situation, the extent and time required for the procedure and the technique used. Of course, all fees incurred will be discussed, including anesthesia, surgical fees and all consumables as well as all our follow-up/control examinations until complete healing.
Price for a facelift:
from 9.000,- CHF
The cost of an initial on-site consultation is CHF 250. This amount can be credited towards your treatment if it takes place within 6 months. If you do not show up for the bindingly agreed initial appointment, a cancellation fee of CHF 150 will be charged.
The following rule applies to agreed surgery appointments: In the case of planned and scheduled operations, it is often not possible for Medicine&Beauty AG to find a replacement patient in the event of a cancellation. Due to these planning difficulties, it is only possible to cancel surgery appointments free of charge if this is done in writing by the customer at least 7 days (calendar days) in advance by e-mail or WhatsApp.
For cancellations made less than 7 calendar days before the planned operation, the customer will be charged 50% of the previously agreed operation costs. Appointments canceled by Medicine&Beauty AG for health, medical or technical reasons cannot be refunded or compensated. An alternative date will be offered at no additional cost.