
Dr. med. Peter Dietz

Medical Director
of the Institute

Dr. Peter Leonard DIETZ is the medical director of the institute. Born in Saarbrü­cken to a family of archi­tects, he was intro­du­ced to the fine arts, aesthe­tics and propor­ti­ons at an early age by his parents. Already during his studies, the desire to become a cosmetic surgeon became manifest. As an aesthetic surgeon, he can look back on a career spanning more than 34 years, during which he was already involved in cosmetic surgery as part of his specia­list training in gyneco­logy and obste­trics, for example as an assistant to Prof. Granitzka, Franken­thal, one of the best-known breast surgeons in Germany at the time. 

Numerous trainings and intern­ships with the most famous plastic surgeonssuch as Dr. Pierre Fournier, Paris; Dr. Antony Erian, Cambridge and London; Dr. Giorgio Fisher, Rome; Dr. Parvis Ansari, Düssel­dorf; Dr. Kamel Cherif-Zahar, Paris and others, as well as regular congress and training visits allowed him to acquire a sound profes­sio­nal training in aesthetic surgical techni­ques. Dr. Dietz is also a valued speaker on anti-aging medicine at inter­na­tio­nal congres­ses.


Mitbe­grün­de­rin &
Direk­to­rin der Verwaltung

Seit ihrem Eintritt in das Institute Medicine & Beauty im Januar 2013 hat Dr. Alexandra D. Dietz, PhD, eine entschei­dende Rolle in der Entwick­lung und dem Wachstum der Praxis gespielt. Mit dem Fokus auf den Aufbau starker, bedeu­tungs­vol­ler Bezie­hun­gen zu den Patienten führt sie Konsul­ta­tio­nen, einschließ­lich Nachbe­hand­lun­gen und Nachsor­ge­ge­sprä­chen, und stellt sicher, dass die Patienten in jeder Phase ihrer Behand­lung erstklas­sige Betreuung erhalten.

Als Leiterin der adminis­tra­ti­ven Abläufe überwacht Dr. Dietz auch die Marke­ting­stra­te­gien und ist verant­wort­lich für die Werbung und Förderung der Praxis. Ihr Engage­ment, immer auf dem neuesten Stand der Branche zu bleiben, zeigt sich in ihrer Teilnahme an inter­na­tio­na­len Kongres­sen, Konfe­ren­zen und Messen im Bereich der Anti-Aging-Medizin und ästhe­ti­schen Behandlungen.

Mit einer Promotion in Inter­na­tio­nal Business und Finance bringt Dr. Dietz eine Fülle an Erfah­run­gen aus verschie­de­nen Bereichen mit, darunter inter­na­tio­nale Wirtschaft, Finanzen, Event­ma­nage­ment und die Leitung von Forschungs­teams im Bereich Öl und Gas.

Über ihre beruf­li­che Tätigkeit hinaus hat Dr. Dietz eine große Leiden­schaft für klassi­sche Musik, da sie als Konzert­pia­nis­tin ausge­bil­det und tätig war. Sie bleibt weiterhin aktiv in der Gesell­schaft und unter­stützt den Tierschutz in Afrika. Als Gründerin des Lions Clubs Dillingen-Saar (Deutsch­land) und derzei­ti­ges Vorstands­mit­glied des Lions Clubs Zürich City (Schweiz) engagiert sie sich für wohltä­tige Zwecke und setzt sich für soziale Projekte ein.

The Institute

The MEDICINE & BEAUTY Institute, founded and managed by Dr. Peter Dietz, MD, has been offering aesthetic treat­ments and opera­ti­ons as well as anti-aging therapies for 30 years.

Together with my wife, Dr. Alexandra Dietz, PhD, we have developed and estab­lished the institute into a center for aesthe­tics, better aging and longevity. As a result, we have an inter­na­tio­nal following and also serve many clients from other European regions.
Our philo­so­phy and the key to our success is to discuss and under­stand the patient's wishes in detail and then to implement them indivi­du­allywith the greatest possible care, under­stan­ding, attention and expertise. The assess­ment by "both sexes" is also often helpful here. 

By appoint­ment, we will advise you in a quiet, undis­tur­bed atmosphere on all your questions about anti-ageing and beauty treat­ments. We will take all the time you need to discuss your questions and needs and the proposed treatment options objec­tively, unobtru­si­vely, discreetly and honestly.

Only when you have fully unders­tood the possi­bi­li­ties, risks and expected chances of success will an appoint­ment be made to implement the planned treat­ments. The discussed measures are then carried out with the highest level of medical expertise, a love of propor­tion and aesthe­tics and a high level of profes­sio­nal skill and ability.

Subse­quently, close follow-up checks ensure a compli­ca­tion-free course and protect you from unexpec­ted events. After all, the perfect result is not yet achieved after the operation; the healing process is also important - and intensive follow-up treatment and care ensure an optimal, long-term result.

Your trust is our motivation!


Aesthetic surgery and many conser­va­tive medical beauty treat­ments today offer incre­di­ble oppor­tu­ni­ties to come close to the desired aesthetic ideal. However, the ideas of each indivi­dual are often different; not everyone wants the same thing - and there is certainly no need for a "scheme" according to which every patient is treated (although this is often the case elsewhere...) 

This is why it is so important to provide indivi­dual advice and treatment planning that focuses on the patient's wishes and anato­mical condi­ti­ons. And this requires not only an experi­en­ced practi­tio­ner or surgeon with great expertise, but also a true aesthete with a sense of propor­tion and a feel for the charac­te­ristics of the tissue. 

We are all indivi­du­als - and must therefore be treated very individually!

However, no surgeon, no matter how experi­en­ced, can perform "magic". The patient must have a realistic idea of what is "possible". It is important not to alter the body in an unnatural way and to respect the anato­mical condi­ti­ons and propor­ti­ons. Good treatment and surgical perfor­mance can only be achieved through sound training and many years of aesthetic surgery practice. You can rely on our decades of compe­tence and expertise and on a relati­onship of trust between you and us as your surgeon that has grown during personal preli­mi­nary discussions. 


If you are interes­ted in aesthetic treatment, you should consider in advance what bothers you about yourself or makes you unhappy - and what changes you would like to see. Don't hesitate to seek different consul­ta­ti­ons, but avoid "doctor-hopping".

In a consul­ta­tion on your desired treatment should:

  • All your questions will be answered exhaustively.
  • you are fully informed about the course of the planned procedure.
  • A realistic repre­sen­ta­tion of the result to be achieved.

You must discuss this in detail with your practitioner:

  • Which problem areas should be treated.
  • Whether aesthetic medicine is able to fulfill your wishes.
  • Which methods can be expected to produce the best results in your case and are the most recommendable.
  • Whether a conser­va­tive, local outpa­ti­ent measure might have a similarly good effect as a more extensive operation
  • How exactly the procedure will proceed, what side effects (such as scars) are to be expected, what discom­fort you will experi­ence after the procedure, what form of anesthe­sia will be chosen and whether an anesthe­sio­lo­gist will be present.
  • How you should behave after the treatment or operation and what restric­tions (possibly sick leave) you should expect.
  • What risks are involved in the procedure, what early or late compli­ca­ti­ons can occur.
  • How long the result of the measure or operation will last - how perma­nently the desired effect will be achieved.
  • What costs you will incur for the treatment or operation itself, the anesthe­tist, pre- and post-operative care and wound care
We will advise you sensi­tively, compre­hen­si­vely and compe­tently on all these points and issues so that you can build up a good relati­onship of trust with us and we will explain the realiza­tion of your wishes to you honestly and with under­stan­ding. So you can relax and put yourself in our hands. 

We always try to guarantee fair pricing - you will be surprised that you too can fulfill your desire for aesthetic change.