Chemical peeling
Information on chemical peeling
Our skin ages depending on genetic factors, but sun exposure, smoking, sport and eating habits also have a particular influence. Outpatient treatment can significantly reduce these signs of ageing, refresh and re-stimulate the skin, smooth the complexion and eliminate pigmentation disorders.
In order to achieve a refreshing effect for the skin, there are various types of peelings, which in principle have the function of removing the top dead horny layer of the skin and allowing the fresher vital layers of the skin to emerge. This regenerates and stimulates the
skin; not only does it revitalize the complexion, it also increases well-being and "skin respiration". Beauticians can already achieve significant effects with the substances approved for them; however, deep-reaching, lasting success can only be achieved with the more aggressive peelings reserved for medical practitioners,
which reach much deeper into the skin layer.
Chemical peeling - the most important facts in brief
- Anesthesia: local anesthetic cream and/or local anesthetic injections, possibly general anesthesia (for phenol / clinical application).
- Treatment time: 30 - 90 minutes
- Aftercare: local cooling in the practice, possibly cosmetic mask, local cream application for 2-4 weeks; sun protection for at least 6 weeks
- Socially acceptable: in 1-4 weeks (depending on the strength of the treatment)
- Able to work: depending on intensity of treatment
- Closed season: on the day of application
- Costs: CHF 600- 8000, depending on area and product
Further details on chemical peeling
The peeling substance must be selected by the doctor in a preliminary consultation depending on the skin type and desired effect. Depending on the depth and severity of the wrinkles, the respective substance class
must be selected to achieve the optimum effect.
This is also a very good way of eliminating blotchy pigmentation disorders of the skin (so-called "age spots") and achieving more intensive wrinkle treatments. Acne scars can also be significantly improved. This can range from so-called fruit acid peelings, which only cause a discreet refreshing of the skin, to deep-reaching phenol peelings, which cause a massive removal of wrinkles and pigmentation disorders. However, the more far-reaching the effect, the longer the healing phase.
In any case, the skin must be protected from intensive sun exposure and similar stresses for a longer period of time and a sun protection cream with a high sun protection factor must be used for a longer period of time.
After applying an anaesthetic cream to the area to be treated, the skin is thoroughly cleansed and degreased. The doctor then repeatedly applies the peeling substance to the skin in layers. A burning sensation may be felt, good cooling alleviates this. The desired chemical processes take place immediately, making it easy to control the intensity of the treatment. The treatment takes approx. 30 - 60 minutes; a subsequent reddening and swelling of the skin must be accepted - otherwise there would be no effect.
After 2-3 days, the skin begins to peel; the skin regenerates, sloughs off dead horny layers and forms new collagen and elastin. We provide you with appropriate ointments and creams for follow-up treatment and monitor you closely during the healing process.
There are no intolerances or allergic reactions; however, the patient must be prepared to allow for a certain downtime and be patient until complete healing to a fresh, rosy, open-pored complexion. As this is also an intensive bio-stimulation of your own tissue from deep within, it takes a few days to weeks to achieve the full effect.
As with any cosmetic procedure, the cost of a treatment can vary and depends on the size of the area to be treated, the product used and the time required for application. Naturally, the costs incurred will be discussed and determined in advance.
The cost of an initial on-site consultation is CHF 150. This amount can be credited towards your treatment if it takes place within 6 months. If you do not show up for the bindingly agreed initial appointment, a cancellation fee of CHF 150 will be charged.