
Buttock augmen­ta­tion / contouring

Infor­ma­tion on
Buttock augmen­ta­tion / contouring

The body propor­ti­ons and silhou­ette of every person are also signi­fi­cantly influen­ced by the waist/​hip region and the buttocks. There are clear ethno­lo­gi­cal diffe­ren­ces in how the buttocks region is developed and, in parti­cu­lar, changing views - depending on the epoch - as to which contour is conside­red erotic or attrac­tive. For example, women from southern/​equatorial countries, especi­ally South America and Africa, tend to have a wider, protru­ding buttock shape, while women from northern countries tend to have narrower and especi­ally flatter buttocks. 

In the early days of mankind, an extremely expansive buttock wasan expres­sion of fertility and maternal potency, and in the Middle Ages a rather volup­tuous bottom was also quite desirable. In modern times, there was a shift towards somewhat narrower propor­ti­ons in relation to shoulder and chest width and, in the 1960s, the ultimate other extreme of the "Twiggy model". 

Attention to the relati­onship between the buttocks and the overall figure has become incre­asingly important again in recent times. Not only through well-known models who are parti­cu­larly fixated on a beautiful, volup­tuous bottom and volup­tuous shapes. The buttocks region is also enjoying increased attention due to very figure-hugging fashion and the trend towards showing off one's "curves".

Ultim­ately - as with all aesthetic issues - it is all a matter of opinion and personal feeling or prefe­rence. In this day and age, men generally want a muscular, "tight" bottom and women an equally shapely, well-rounded buttock area that matches the width of their hips. However, like many parts of the body, the size and shape of the buttocks is largely geneti­cally deter­mi­ned and can only be influen­ced to a limited extent; although intensive and targeted training is the most likely way to achieve a considera­ble build-up of the gluteus muscle (the large buttock muscle). For men and women who are unhappy with the shape of their buttocks, who complain about cellulite, irregu­la­ri­ties or excess skin, various body shaping treat­ments can help. 

There are basically four variants here:

  • subcu­ta­neous injection of connec­tive tissue boosters to tighten the skin and improve elasticity
  • An injection of hyalu­ro­nic acid for shaping, smoothing dents and adding volume
  • the injection of autolog­ous fat after prior liposuc­tion in other areas of the body (lipofil­ling)
  • a tightening operation that does not add volume, but makes the buttocks appear much firmer and fuller if the skin is very loose.

Buttock augmen­ta­tion - the most important facts in brief

Further details on buttock augmen­ta­tion / contouring

For more super­fi­cial skin changes in the buttock region (wrinkled skin, stretch marks, cellulite, etc.), there are now very effective substances for injection into the uppermost layers of the skin with the aim of restoring collagen cross-linking and activat­ing fibro­blast activity, so that an elastic connec­tive tissue network can form in the skin again, resulting in firmer, smoother skin on the buttocks. (These are products made from poly-lactic acid or combi­na­ti­ons of hyalu­ro­nic acid and hydro­xya­pa­tite or amino acid/​vitamin concen­tra­tes. These appli­ca­ti­ons can be applied on an outpa­ti­ent basis in a short space of time and can produce remar­kable results in relation to the effort involved. (Substances such as "Sunekos body", "Sculptra", "HArmoniCA", "Lanluma", "HyaCorp" etc.). 
By regularly attending congres­ses, we are always up to date with the latest knowledge.
The most well-known filler worldwide is hyalu­ro­nic acid, which has proven itself millions of times over in the lip and facial area. Hyalu­ro­nic acid can also be used very well in the buttock region to achieve a targeted volume increase, on the one hand for uneven buttock contours (dents, scarred inden­ta­ti­ons etc.), discrete asymme­tries and also in principle to increase the volume of the buttocks. A very high-molecular, firmer hyalu­ro­nic acid is used here, unlike in the facial area, so that it remains in the tissue for much longer. Depending on the amount injected, signi­fi­cant volume increases can be achieved; however, the costs are not insigni­fi­cant, as the manufac­tu­r­ers sell these products at a rather high price and they must be retreated after 2 years at the latest, as these fillers also degrade over time. 
Nevert­hel­ess, this is a good alter­na­tive for a signi­fi­cant volume increase performed on an outpa­ti­ent basis, especi­ally if you do not want to insert an implant in the buttocks.
Buttock augmen­ta­tion can be performed excel­lently with autolog­ous fat. Most people have areas of the body where they tend to have a little too much fatty tissue and are happy if this can be thinned out and the fat obtained can be injected into the gluteal region. 
("lipofil­ling" - "liposuc­tion with lipotrans­fer"). In this way, a considera­ble amount of volume can be added to the buttocks - provided, of course, that suffi­ci­ent fat has been removed from other parts of the body. 

In common parlance, buttock filling with autolog­ous fat is also known as the "Brazilian butt lift" (although this method was not first performed in Brazil)

As these are your body's own fat cells, no rejection or intole­rance reaction is triggered. This can achieve a lasting impro­ve­ment in contour and volume and can also change the shape of the buttocks in parti­cu­lar. The goal is generally a more heart-shaped, well-rounded, even buttock contour. However, it is never possible to predict with certainty how many of the fat cells injected will grow and remain perma­nently in the tissue. (As a rule, 50-70% of the inserted cells should remain perma­nently; in this respect, however, a second procedure may be necessary). Generally, volume and shape impro­ve­ments of 300-1200 ml per side can be easily achieved. The procedure requires general anesthe­sia and takes about 2 to 2 1/2 hours. After­wards, you must wear a special compres­sion girdle custo­mi­zed for you and physical rest is obliga­tory. There are usually no long-term complaints. 

Finally, there is the option of a silicone buttock implant (similar to breast augmen­ta­tion). Here, a small incision is made in the upper gluteal fold to create a hole for the implant between the large and middle gluteal muscle on each side and the implant is positio­ned there. This allows a permanent increase in volume to be achieved. This procedure is frequently used in South American countries and also in Asia. However, due to the high incidence of serious early and long-term compli­ca­ti­ons, we no longer consider this method to be a wise solution.

Another option for tightening the buttocks is a skin resection in the gluteal fold; here, the skin in the deep connec­tive tissue must be fixed in order to tighten the upper part of the thigh on the one hand and the skin of the buttocks on the other. The scars are then located in the newly defined gluteal fold. 

Finally, in the case of very prono­un­ced skin laxity after massive weight loss, an incision can be made on the upper side of the buttocks towards the waist and a large amount of skin resected there (similar to the front of the body in a tummy tuck). These are relatively complex opera­ti­ons that involve larger scars and are therefore only used for very signi­fi­cant contour loss 

An autolog­ous fat buttock augmen­ta­tion can normally be performed on an outpa­ti­ent basis. An overnight stay is only advisable if very large volumes are transferred. 

After a detailed preli­mi­nary discus­sion, the areas from which the fat is initially to be removed (usually the abdomen/​ waist/​ hips or thighs) are marked and the region to which it is to be returned after special preparation.

With the help of the latest liposuc­tion techno­logy (vibrating cannula), the fat can then be gently removed. It is processed sterilely in a closed system and then carefully and precisely re-injected after removal. This achieves a fine modeling of the buttock contour by finely distri­bu­ting the fat cells in several levels in the subcu­ta­neous tissue. 

This allows the trans­plan­ted fatty tissue to grow in as much as possible over the long term. It also signi­fi­cantly reduces the risk of possible compli­ca­ti­ons. (The earlier technique of also injecting the fatty tissue into the muscle often led to dramatic compli­ca­ti­ons and has therefore become obsolete and has been comple­tely abandoned by reputable surgeons). 


Immedia­tely after the operation, we will put on a compres­sion girdle made for you so that the skin can reattach well at the donor sites and the fat is stabi­li­zed at the donor sites and does not shift.

Physical rest is recom­men­ded for a few days, but you will soon recover and be able to return to your everyday life with a newly rounded PO.

Side effects of autolog­ous fat treatment on the buttocks

Compli­ca­ti­ons from buttock augmen­ta­tion with autolog­ous fat are very rare, but we will always follow you up closely so that we can be there for you in an emergency. More frequently, there is a temporary numbness and tension in the buttocks area, which subsides after a few days. Hematomas at the fat removal sites are also occasio­nally to be expected. 

External fillers / injec­ta­bles / skin boosters

If external substances are used, the procedure is of course consider­a­bly simpli­fied. These proce­du­res are performed on an outpa­ti­ent basis in the practice under local anesthe­sia. After marking the areas where skin impro­ve­ment or volume increase is desired, a sterile drape is applied and, after local anesthe­sia is applied, the active substance or hyalu­ro­nic acid / filler is placed precisely in the intended areas using fine cannulas. A subse­quent elastic latex bandage stabi­li­zes the region for 2-3 days. No further follow-up treatment is required.

As with any cosmetic procedure, the cost of a buttock treatment varies consider­a­bly depending on the type of procedure, the extent and duration of the treatment. In the case of external materials, it also depends on the amount of substance used. 

This total amount includes the fees for anesthe­sia, use of the operating room, materials and our medical fee.

Price for buttock augmen­ta­tion with autolog­ous fat:
from 8000,- CHF

Price for bottom treatment with injec­ta­bles / skin boosters / fillers:
from 1800,- CHF

Health insurance companies do not cover the appli­ca­tion as it is an aesthetic treatment of choice.

The cost of an initial on-site consul­ta­tion is CHF 250. This amount can be credited towards your treatment if it takes place within 6 months. If you do not show up for the bindingly agreed initial appoint­ment, a cancel­la­tion fee of CHF 150 will be charged. 

The following rule applies to agreed surgery appoint­ments: In the case of planned and scheduled opera­ti­ons, it is often not possible for Medicine&Beauty AG to find a repla­ce­ment patient in the event of a cancel­la­tion. Due to these planning diffi­cul­ties, it is only possible to cancel surgery appoint­ments free of charge if this is done in writing by the customer at least 7 days (calendar days) in advance by e-mail or WhatsApp. 

For cancel­la­ti­ons made less than 7 calendar days before the planned operation, the customer will be charged 50% of the previously agreed operation costs. Appoint­ments canceled by Medicine&Beauty AG for health, medical or technical reasons cannot be refunded or compen­sa­ted. An alter­na­tive date will be offered at no additio­nal cost.