
Breast augmen­ta­tion

Infor­ma­tion on breast augmentation

Beautiful, well-formed breasts have always been the epitome of femin­in­ity and feminine eroticism. Many women complain about their breasts being too small, whether it is because they appear too small in relation to their shoulders and hips, because they have lost volume due to pregnancy and breast­fee­ding or signi­fi­cant weight loss, or because they simply want to emphasize this part of their body more.

This body image, which is perceived as dispro­por­tio­nate, can be corrected with breast augmen­ta­tion surgery. Breast augmen­ta­tion is one of the most frequently performed aesthetic opera­ti­ons in the world. It is a very safe procedure when performed by a specia­list with many years of experi­ence. Who knows the female breast better than a gyneco­lo­gist who is not only involved in diagno­stics on a daily basis, but also masters all surgical proce­du­res and has the best feel for female aesthe­tics?

Breast augmen­ta­tion can only be seriously achieved with the help of a breast cushion (implant) or by injecting the patient's own fat. However, the increase in volume that can be achieved with autolog­ous fat is limited, but is excellent for compen­sa­ting for breast asymme­tries. Only by inserting an implant that is similar to breast tissue in terms of consis­tency and feel can a natural-looking soft breast be achieved that corre­sponds to your indivi­dual body propor­ti­ons, is accepted by you as part of yourself in the long term and optimizes your propor­ti­ons.

Breast augmen­ta­tion - the most important facts in brief

Further details on breast augmentation

Among the breast implants available today, modern silicone implants have proven themsel­ves in terms of safety, relia­bi­lity, durabi­lity and shape stability. Silicone cushions have been used since 1963, but it was the renewed discus­sion about silicone implants in 1991 that contri­bu­ted to a signi­fi­cant boost in the further develo­p­ment of breast implants. It is important to know that, according to the latest scien­ti­fic studies, silicone prosthe­ses do not cause an increased risk of breast cancer and are not respon­si­ble for the develo­p­ment of autoim­mune diseases (such as rheuma­tism, lupus erythe­ma­to­sus or scleroderma). 

However, there are reports that in very rare cases the develo­p­ment of malignant lymphoma in the implant site could be triggered by implants (ALCL). However, this has mainly occurred with very roughened (macro-textured "biocell") surfaces. These implants from a specific manufac­tu­rer have long since been withdrawn from the market
We only use products from the world's most renowned and reputable manufac­tu­r­ers("Mentor", "Motiva", "Polytec"), generally using implants with a delica­tely roughened surface (micro­tex­tu­red) in round or teardrop-shaped models, which are filled with a gelati­nous cohesive gel, whereby the risk of leakage is virtually elimi­na­ted. The surface structure bonds optimally with the body's own tissue, so that the risk of connec­tive tissue capsular contrac­ture is reduced to a low percen­tage. All these models comply with the strict safety regula­ti­ons of the EU and the USA.

Alter­na­tive filling materials such as dextran, soybean oil etc. only caused euphoria for a short time, but did not fulfill expec­ta­ti­ons in the slightest and were quickly withdrawn from the market. The only alter­na­tive is saline filling, but it cannot compete with silicone fillings in terms of durabi­lity, dimen­sio­nal stability and feel. 

In all these questions regarding the choice of implant, manufac­tu­rer, shape and location of the implan­ta­tion, you will receive detailed advice from us during the preli­mi­nary consul­ta­tion regarding the best procedure for you.

In an intensive consul­ta­tion, the first step is to work out the patient's expec­ta­ti­ons, the surgeon must clarify what can reali­sti­cally be achieved and then select the best access route, the optimal implant in terms of size and shape and the correct positio­ning for the indivi­dual case.
In principle, there are four varia­ti­ons of access routes (the last of which is rarely used in Germany and is only possible with fillable implants):

- via the armpit (trans­axil­lary)
- via the areola (peri-, infra- or trans­areo­lar)
- via the lower breast fold (infram­ammary)
- and via the navel (as an endosco­pic procedure)

Each of these access routes has its advan­ta­ges and disad­van­ta­ges. We generally prefer the route via the areola or via the lower breast fold, as this is the most precise way to form the cavity for the implant and allows thorough hemosta­sis, although only an incision of approx. 4-5 cm is required. 

The choice of implant shape depends very much on the patient's expec­ta­ti­ons: if the woman wants a more cleavage-empha­si­zing, youthful round breast, a round, hemisphe­ri­cal implant should be used. If a more natural, teardrop shape is desired, a biodi­men­sio­nal implant should be chosen. Further­more, it must be clarified in which layer the implant lodge is formed: the implant can be inserted into a cavity in front of or behind the large pectoral muscle (pecto­ra­lis muscle). (This largely depends on how much of the patient's own breast tissue is available to cover the breast cushion. 

Breast augmen­ta­tion should be performed under general anesthe­sia, but can also be performed in twilight sleep with local anesthe­sia in excep­tio­nal cases. If desired, the procedure can be performed on an outpa­ti­ent basis, but we prefer an overnight stay so that the patient can be better cared for and looked after.

From a small incision at the lower edge of the breast or at the edge of the areola (areola edge incision), a lodge for the implant is prepared behind the mammary gland (in front of the pecto­ra­lis muscle) or behind the muscle in accordance with the previous consul­ta­tion. The implant is then inserted into this and positio­ned precisely; the wound is closed in several layers. Only a tiny scar remains, which is barely visible after a few months.
Breast augmen­ta­tion can also be combined with an autolog­ous fat transfer if the skin is very thin, e.g. in the décolleté, or if there are discreet asymmetries. 

Compli­ca­ti­ons are extremely rare with breast augmen­ta­tion or other breast opera­ti­ons. In very rare cases, post-operative bleeding or infec­tions may occur, which require more intensive aftercare. Sometimes there may be hyper­sen­si­ti­vity in the nipple area, but this quickly subsides on its own. After a few weeks, the implants are surroun­ded by the body with a fine connec­tive tissue envelope that fixes and stabi­li­zes the implant. 

After several years or decades, capsular fibrosis (scarring and thicke­ning of the connec­tive tissue envelope) may occur in rare cases. It may then be necessary to replace the implants and remove the capsule. It is important to know that breast implants, regard­less of the manufac­tu­rer, do not generally last a lifetime, even if this is often promised. 

As with any cosmetic procedure, the cost of surgery depends on the type and extent of the operation. These are made up of the anesthe­sia fee, the duration of the operation and our fee note. 

We will discuss these costs with you in detail before­hand and a fixed fee will be set, regard­less of how long the procedure ultim­ately takes. This allows you to calculate precisely. As this is an elective procedure, the costs are not usually covered by health insurance. 

Price for a breast augmentation:

from CHF 11,000 (including implants)

The cost of an initial on-site consul­ta­tion is CHF 250. This amount can be credited towards your treatment if it takes place within 6 months. If you do not show up for the bindingly agreed initial appoint­ment, a cancel­la­tion fee of CHF 150 will be charged. 

The following rule applies to agreed surgery appoint­ments: In the case of planned and scheduled opera­ti­ons, it is often not possible for Medicine&Beauty AG to find a repla­ce­ment patient in the event of a cancel­la­tion. Due to these planning diffi­cul­ties, it is only possible to cancel surgery appoint­ments free of charge if this is done in writing by the customer at least 7 days (calendar days) in advance by e-mail or WhatsApp. 

For cancel­la­ti­ons made less than 7 calendar days before the planned operation, the customer will be charged 50% of the previously agreed operation costs. Appoint­ments canceled by Medicine&Beauty AG for health, medical or technical reasons cannot be refunded or compen­sa­ted. An alter­na­tive date will be offered at no additio­nal cost.