
Better Aging

Overview of the various better ageing treatments

"Anti-ageing" and"longevity" are terms that can currently be read in all newspa­pers, magazines and the tabloids.
One focus of our practice is this anti-ageing or, rather,longevity. "Better aging" therapy. 

We live in a genera­tion in which we have the oppor­tu­nity and the good fortune to grow very old. However, this is only desirable if we maintain our quality of life as we grow older. This primarily consists of staying healthy, and modern medicine has made immense progress in treating degene­ra­tive diseases and recogni­zing and often elimi­na­ting serious processes at an early stage. 

To this end, regular preven­tive check-ups are highly recom­men­ded, along with a sensibly struc­tu­red lifestyle. But we also want to feel good, enjoy our lives, our family, our relati­onships and our leisure time. Especi­ally in today's world, where a lot of emphasis is placed on outward appearan­ces, we also want to look good and fresh and radiate youthful­ness, dynamism and freshness.
There is no question that our ageing process theore­ti­cally begins at birth; from early adulthood onwards, signs of wear and tear set in, but many people start to notice degene­ra­tive changes and signs of ageing from around the age of 30. It is important to counter­act these early and intel­li­gently.

We offer a very wide range of measures here, which we tailor to your indivi­dual needs. We would like to create an anti-ageing concept for you, as part of which we will accompany you in the long term with the aim of maintai­ning your quality of life, dynamism and resilience. 

We cover the following facets of better ageing:

In detailed, open anamnesis discus­sions, we analyze your life situation, dietary habits, daily routines and your problems and stresses. Identi­fy­ing imbalan­ces and problem areas allows us to analyze how situa­tions and routines can be changed and adapted to avoid pressure and disease-promoting stress. We help you to develop a new, complex lifestyle concept with which you can better master your everyday life, recognize and avoid health risks and find your way to a satis­fy­ing, balanced daily routine in these fast-paced, demanding times. - see also www​.medan​dcare​.ch

An extremely important part of a healthy, fulfil­ling life is the sensible use of preven­tive medical check-ups. The main goal must be that we "grow old in good health". There is no question that every person will inevi­ta­bly suffer some kind of illness. However, regular and coordi­na­ted preven­tive health­care allows patho­lo­gi­cal changes to be detected at an early stage and in many cases risks to be elimi­na­ted or incipient develo­p­ments to be stopped in the wrong direction, thus ultim­ately preven­ting malignant develo­p­ments. This includes cancer screening smears for women, ultra­sound exami­na­ti­ons of the breast and abdomen, liver, kidneys, thyroid and blood vessels; for men, prostate exami­na­ti­ons, CT or MRI exami­na­ti­ons in the event of corre­spon­ding symptoms; for both sexes, from a certain age, a heart exami­na­tion with ultra­sound, stress ECG, regular colono­sco­pies from the age of 50 and also regular basic labora­tory tests to monitor organ functions and to be able to recognize and counter­act incipient deviations. 

In our practice, we offer a large number of these exami­na­ti­ons ourselves and we delegate the diagno­stics that lie outside our area of expertise to highly competent specia­list colle­agues, write the corre­spon­ding referrals and thus ensure complex monito­ring of your health and preven­tion of patho­lo­gi­cal develo­p­ments. Be intro­s­pec­tive - without being hypochon­dria­cal. This will prevent many unfort­u­nate develo­p­ments! See also under www​.dr​-dietz​.ch

Our organism is control­led in many different ways, on the one hand by nerve impulses and on the other by hormones, which have an essential function in the body for maintai­ning metabolic functions and almost all organic processes. Our body is such a complex structure that every cogwheel has to mesh so that the human body can function in a good balance. 

If the hormone function decreases, this can lead to discom­fort, imbalan­ces and other illnesses. It is therefore sensible and important to monitor hormone function. Especi­ally during the pre- and perime­no­pause(menopause) in women and the andro­pause in men. Although the decline in hormone function occurs much more quickly in women and is therefore perceived more negatively by women, men are also affected by declining hormone function as they get older. Now, as mentioned above, our genera­tion has the chance to grow quite old - and nobody wants to spend the rest of their life 40-50 years after the menopause in the sense of a "hormone-chemical castration". 

Unfort­u­na­tely, with the loss of the body's own hormone produc­tion, more prono­un­ced degene­ra­tive processes and signs of fatigue set in, both mentally and physi­cally, which can gradually rob us of our quality of life. Of course we get older and change conti­nuously as we get older: and of course this ageing process cannot be stopped or reversed. But it can be slowed down - and this is where hormones play a crucial role. Not only do we reduce the risk of osteo­po­ro­sis and the risk of develo­ping bowel cancer and Alzheimer's by taking hormones from the menopause onwards, we also get better sleep, better skin and hair, better mental balance and resili­ence, better libido and slow down degene­ra­tive signs of wear and tear.

In our practice, we specia­lize in these hormone therapies, especi­ally with bioiden­ti­cal hormones, and after a detailed medical history and consul­ta­tion and after diffe­ren­tia­ted hormone analyses in the blood, we create a comple­tely indivi­dual therapy concept for each patient in order to compen­sate for the complaints complai­ned of and the deficits measured - and thus signi­fi­cantly help to maintain a higher quality of life, satis­fac­tion and health stability into old age. See also under www​.dr​-dietz​.ch and www​.medan​dcare​.ch

A healthy, balanced diet basically provides us with all the substances, proteins, vitamins and trace elements that our body needs to function properly. Nowadays, however, our diet is not always as balanced and sensible as it should be, and the often highly processed foods no longer contain old ingre­di­ents, as was and should be the case in the past. 

Geneti­cally caused reduced absorp­tion in the intestine, which does not allow suffi­ci­ent absorp­tion of some substances, can also lead to deficits in the metabo­lism, which it makes sense to compen­sate for. Here, too, science is constantly gaining new insights, which we implement in our indivi­dual therapy concept. For example, we offer mixtures of vitamins and trace elements in capsule form to compen­sate for these potential defici­en­cies. Supple­men­ting the diet with these substances makes sense in order to provide the body with all the basic substances it needs for its enzymes, metabo­lism and the proper functio­ning of the organs. 

There are countless dietary supple­ments offered by the industry - often it is never really possible to prove what is really contained in these capsules or tablets; in this respect, you can also spend a lot of money for less effective measures. We offer products that are manufac­tu­red by pharmacies and are therefore certified and regularly monitored, which actually contain the substances in the dosage stated - and which are a sensible addition to a sensible mixed diet. See also www​.medan​dcare​.ch

An even more efficient form of adminis­tra­tion is to adminis­ter these essential amino acids, vitamins and trace elements into the body by infusion. This avoids any absorp­tion problems in the intestine and we can be sure that the desired substances reach the blood­stream and are trans­por­ted with the blood circu­la­tion to where the body can deposit and store them - and use them when it needs them for its organ functions, enzymes, immune system and brain function. 

In a preli­mi­nary discus­sion, we analyze where possible deficits exist and design an indivi­dual concept for each patient with different compo­si­ti­ons of the infusion concen­tra­tes in order to speci­fi­cally compen­sate for the existing deficits. Often 1-2 infusions in spring and fall are suffi­ci­ent to ensure excellent stability of the organism throug­hout the year. see also under www​.medan​dcare​.ch

We have already touched on the complex function of hormones in the section above. Hormones also play an essential role for the skin, one of our largest organ systems. As we get older and hormone function is reduced, the skin becomes thinner and more fragile, the regene­ra­tive capacity of the cells decreases, the elastic potency of collagen and fibri­no­gen decreases and skin regene­ra­tion and the formation of new elastic fibers is gradually reduced. This also reduces our skin's ability to bind water, metabolic activity and resis­tance. As a result, feelings of dryness, irrita­tion, pigmen­ta­tion disorders, hyper­sen­si­ti­vity, etc. occur more frequently. 

Local (topical) appli­ca­tion of hormones can also achieve an outstan­ding effect that far exceeds the use of cosmetic creams. (This does not mean that good cosmetic care should continue to be practiced). However, if you want to apply a medically sound and truly profound therapy that affects the basal layers of the skin, there is no way around targeted and indivi­du­ally designed hormone therapy in the form of creams, serums or (for the scalp) tinctures. 

The hormone treat­ments available from us are based on the latest scien­ti­fic findings and research results and offer you outstan­ding effects to give you a fresh appearance, a radiant comple­xion and resilient, elastic skin on the face, neck and décolleté, but also on the body. see also under www​.medan​dcare​.ch

We often hear very critical voices about cosmetic surgery under the motto: "You have to be able to grow old with dignity". This may undoub­tedly be true, but do you also have to look old? It is a legiti­mate need of every human being to please. - Not only to please yourself, but also to please others - especi­ally your loved ones, of course. But even in social life, there is no question that someone who looks attrac­tive and aesthe­ti­cally pleasing is more likely to receive social accep­tance and attention and is often more successful at work. 

There is no doubt that beauty should not be the only thing that makes us happy in life - and if it is the only goal in life, it becomes very banal. But there is a bit of narcis­sism in all of us and so aesthetic medicine and cosmetic surgery is also a domain that has its place in the field of anti-ageing medicine. In the previous chapters, we report in great detail on the possi­bi­li­ties offered by modern medicine and we can also offer countless serious medical treatment options with a high level of expertise and aesthetic sensi­ti­vity.

Don't be afraid to venture into this part of medicine; even such small measures - or even more extensive inter­ven­ti­ons - help to streng­then your own body awareness and self-confi­dence, achieve more satis­fac­tion with yourself and ultim­ately a different appearance, better social commu­ni­ca­tion and satis­fac­tion. Classic anti-ageing measures include, for example Botox which is used prophyl­ac­ti­cally to prevent the deeper burying of expres­sion lines, or hyalu­ro­nic acid prepa­ra­ti­ons, which are used to compen­sate for the loss of skin volume in certain areas of the face, or the biosti­mu­lantswhich maintain the skin's elasti­city, structure and ability to retain water. - Or, finally, cosmetic surgery, which does not eliminate the signs of ageing, but can reverse them a little in order to come a little closer to our ideal image of a fresh, dynamic, lively and expres­sive appearance into old age.