
Hormone creams

Infor­ma­tion on hormone creams

Hormones have an extremely important function in the body for control­ling many metabolic processes and regula­ting our entire organism. Especi­ally from the menopause (the menopause) or andro­pause (the hormone shift in men), in which phase of life a decrease in hormone produc­tion in the ovaries or testicles brings signi­fi­cant changes such asincreased degene­ra­tive and wear and tear symptoms, a substi­tu­tion makes sense. 

These changes also clearly affect our integu­ment (skin and hair). The skin becomes thinner, loses its ability to retain water, becomes more fragile, wrinkled and inelastic; the hair also becomes thinner and the density of the hair decreases. 

In addition to the fact that hormones can maintain our vitality, resili­ence and mental and physical stability into old age, hormones also prevent our skin from ageing too quickly. A great deal can therefore be achieved with indivi­dual hormone therapy in the form of medicinal creams, both for the body and especi­ally for the face. 
Hormones improve the quality of the skin, its connec­tive tissue regene­ra­tion and its ability to bind water more effici­ently than any commer­ci­ally available cosmetics - and so targeted external hormone therapy is a very important anti-ageing measure. We will advise you indivi­du­ally and you can obtain such hormone creams from us (as they are only available on prescription).